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Neighbourhood Watch

The largest volunteer-led crime prevention charity in the country, working in communities to support them in being safer, more resilient places to live. We provide resources, projects and networks that support volunteers and communities to work together to prevent crime, raise awareness around safety initiatives and community resilience, and connect neighbourhoods.

Join the Hollingbourne Neighbourhood Watch Scheme via the link below and share any information relevant to the village.

Sign up here


Community Safety Unit

Your Community Safety Unit is a group of local police officers, police community support officers (PCSOs) with a sergeant and inspector dedicated to serving your community. The team is made up of officers based in your area, supported by additional officers from the wider force.

They work closely with local authorities, local organisations and community leaders to find useful, long-term solutions to local problems, while maintaining our wider focus on reducing crime across Kent.  Get the latest updates for Hollingbourne and Maidstone.

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Kent Fraud Alert

Every year, the British public loses billions of pounds to fraudsters. With scams ranging from the simplest confidence trick to the most sophisticated high-tech online fraud, it pays to keep up to date with the latest news and advice. Find out more about fraud, its many types and how you can report it.

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Kent Fire & Rescue Service

Every minute of every day, we are here to save lives and make our county even safer.  Kent Fire and Rescue Service work together as one team to prevent fires and keep Kent and Medway safe. From the 999 call handlers to the finance team, they’re a diverse, collaborative and forward-thinking organisation dedicated to helping our customers stay safe.  Keep up to date with the latest news in and Maidstone here.

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Country Eye E-Watch

Country Eye is a free App for people living and working in the rural community in Kent; it records and disseminates information using smartphone technology. It was designed to help communities and residents in Kent to receive information and to report issues quickly and efficiently. The Country Eye team analyse the information and disseminate it as appropriate. This may include email, text or broadcast to other subscriber’s smartphones.

The Country Eye app identifies the following Categories:
* Animal, Wildlife Crime – Hare Coursing, Poaching, Suspicious Behaviour
* Aviation – Low flying Aircraft, Unusual Activity, Suspicious Behaviour
* Farm Crime – Arson, Suspicious Behaviour, Trespass
* Fly Tipping
* Heritage Crime – Metal Detecting, Night Hawking, Off-Roading, Suspicious Behaviour
* Kent Fire & Rescue – Hydrant Reporting and Water Reservoirs/Storage on Farms
* Maritime – Suspicious Vessels, Vehicles, Behaviour
* Potholes and other KCC Highways issues.
* HGV Watch

Unlike messaging using Social Media groups, the integrity of information from Country Eye has been accepted as evidential by the Crown Prosecution Service. The App is also GDPR compliant.  Country Eye has links to the following Agencies:

* Kent Police
* Kent Fire & Rescue Service
* K.C.C. Intelligence Unit
* Special Branch
* The 13 Borough/District Councils in Kent
* Kent Heritage Watch
* Kent Neighbourhood Watch
* Kent Wildlife Trust
* HGV Watch

Sign up is simple; the system requires a contact number, email address and postcode. Personal preferences can be set to enable the location finder and the users chosen radius of information. Further information and the latest Newsletter is available online.

E-Watch Newsletter