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Local Charities requiring Support

Hollingbourne Church

Such a large and ancient building inevitably needs overhauling at least once in a generation.  Now it is our turn to help pay for repairs from time to time.

In past years these expenses would have been borne by the Church of England through its central funds and local congregational giving.  Declining congregations and increased pensions liabilities have eroded the ability of the church to maintain thousands of historic buildings.

While recognising that this church is a living building and not a dead monument, the voluntary work of The Friends is separate from the activities of the worshipping community who attend services in the church.

Apart from minimal running costs, all funds raised by The Friends will be devoted to the care and maintenance of All Saints Church, Hollingbourne.

If you would like to contribute please print this below page return the completed Bankers Order form

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Hollingbourne Meadow Trust

The Meadows Trust fights for the future of the countryside at Hollingbourne, planting, maintaining and preserving meadows, hedges and trees, encouraging the biodiversity of plants and animals, and making the majority of its land freely accessible for all to walk and enjoy.

Caring for, improving and maintaining The Meadows is a never-ending task.  Much of the work is carried out by volunteers, who beaver away throughout the year.

The volunteers cannot deal with everything, and the trust needs to pay for things such as specialist work on trees, the hire of agricultural equipment, hay harvesting etc. They need diesel for the tractor, and have to maintain their equipment, pay for insurance and other necessary overhead costs.

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