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British Gas Energy Grants

British Gas grant pic

You are not alone if you are struggling to pay for heating bills –  but there is help available.

Struggling with energy debt?

If you’re struggling with debt its difficult to know where to turn. The British Gas Energy Trust would encourage you to contact your local Money Advice Agency for help before applying for a grant. If you get advice, this will help your chances of a successful grant application.

Click here to find your local advice centre or find online debt and money information at and on the Citizens Advice national website.

Please see the website Grants Available – British Gas Energy Trust or click on the button below to access the British Gas Energy Trust website.

What if I am not with British Gas?

Please search to see what your provider can offer its customers.  Don’t suffer in silence, telephone your provider and speak to an advisor.  Alternatively, look upon the websites below:

Find energy grants for your home (Help to Heat)

Find energy grants for your home (Help to Heat) – GOV.UK (

Reduce your bills – schemes and grants

Reduce your bills – schemes and grants | Ofgem

Energy grants and support

Energy grants and support – Kent County Council

Find out more