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Hollingbourne Parish Council Members

Hollingbourne Parish Council Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month (except for the month of August) in the Cardwell Pavilion, from 7.30pm onwards, all residents are welcome to join us.

David Ardley


Highways & Infrastructure Chair

Finance Committee Member

Environment & Parks Committee Member

Community Events & Engagement Committee Member


David Ardley

Andrea Marshall

Vice Chair

Environment & Parks Chair

Finance Committee Member

Community Events & Engagement Committee Member

Andrea Marshall

Catherine O’Meara

Planning Chair

Highways & Infrastructure Committee Member

Catherine O'Meara

Stephen Ware

Finance Chair

Environment & Parks Committee Member

Planning Committee Member

Community Events & Engagement Committee Member

Stephen Ware

Will Merrifield

Planning Committee Member

Finance Committee Member


Will Merrifield

Debbie Cooper

Community Events & Engagement Chair

Environment & Parks Committee Member



Debbie Cooper


Notice is hereby given that there is a vacancy upon the Hollingbourne Parish Council following the May 2024 election.  Please contact Vicki, the Parish Clerk for more details.



Notice is hereby given that there is a vacancy upon the Hollingbourne Parish Council following the May 2024 election.  Please contact Vicki, the Parish Clerk for more details.


Vicki Smith

Parish Clerk

Vicki Smith