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16 Days of Action – End Domestic Abuse – Join the Campaign – 25th November – 10th December

T A K E  A C T I O N –  1 6 D a y s o f A c t i o n

Know, See, Speak out

Domestic abuse: The facts:

  • 2.4 million people in England and Wales experience domestic abuse every year.  Last year, 5% of adults experienced domestic abuse.
  • In 2020/21 there were 4 domestic abuse- linked deaths a week in England and Wales
  • Office for National Statistics – 1 in 5 under 18s will have lived with domestic abuse at some point in their childhood  Radford et al, NSPCC report, 2018

The more people that #KnowSeeSpeakOut the more chance we have of people finding safety.

25 November – 10 December 2023

Join the Kent and Medway 16 Days of Action: End Domestic Abuse campaign from 25 November – 10 December 2023 to help raise awareness in your community.  Starting on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and ending on International Human Rights Day, this global moment presents an ideal time for you to Know, See, Speak Out about domestic abuse and the support services available across Kent and Medway.

Domestic Abuse can happen to anybody.  It doesn’t care how old you are, or where you live, and it certainly doesn’t bother about your social status.  Let’s stop Domestic Abuse right now.

To find out how you join the campaign to end domestic abuse, please click on the links below.

16 Days of Action End Domestic Abuse Toolkit 2023 – Kent _ Medway

End Domestic Abuse campaign poster

Domestic Abuse prevention – what does a toxic relationship feel like

End Domestic Abuse – workplace poster

Find out more
End Domestic Abuse campaign poster

Download all information here

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