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A message from Rev Rob Tugwell – Hollingbourne & Hucking Church Events

    Dear all,

    I hope this finds you well.

    Just a quick update from church.

    We are moving through Lent at pace and Easter is not far away.

    Over the Easter period, we have various services which are all printed in the parish magazine. 

    The services happening in Hollingbourne and Hucking are:

    • Palm Sunday (24th) 11am joint service at Hucking, led by Rev Robin Gill
    • Monday 25th -Spring and Easter celebration for preschoolers and parents. 9:30am in All Saints
    • Thursday 28th, 9:30am, Hollingbourne primary school Easter service in church.
    • Sat 30th 7:30pm, Easter Saturday meditation and music in All Saint’s
    • Sunday 31st 11am, Easter Day communion.

    In the same week, on 27th March at 10:30am (refreshments from 10am), we have a presentation from a local police rep on how to be scam and fraud aware.  This is a free event and all are welcome.  It will last until around 11:30am and there will be the chance for q and a.  Please do spread the word! 


    Best wishes




    PS  Looking further ahead, the church annual meeting (APCM) will be on May 12th, immediately after the morning service. Everyone on the church electoral roll is encouraged to attend.