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Hollingbourne Parish Assembly – Review

The Hollingbourne Parish Assembly took place at the Village Hall on the evening of Monday 22nd April 2024.  The theme this year was a hot topic ‘Protecting our Community’.   The agenda, ably chaired by Hollingbourne Parish Council Chairman, Cllr David Ardley, was packed with an array of great speakers, all of whom are passionate about our village and the event was very well attended by residents.

We received updates from the Parish Council, the Meadows Trust, the local SpeedWatch team, the CIC team for the Hollingbourne Station, the panto group, the Parish Newsletter editor, various young people groups, the Women’s Institute and the men’s breakfast club to name a few.

We really do have a village and community to be proud of, the amount of volunteer hours donated to make our village an exceptional place to live is staggering.  Our heartfelt thanks go out to every single one of our residents who contribute… Hollingbourne truly is a wonderful place to dwell, made all the better by the fabulous community spirit.