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KCC Updates – Cllr Mrs Shellina Prendergast’s Residents’ Newsletter

Cllr Mrs Shellina Prendergast KCC 1

Welcome to the latest residents’ newsletter.

The Kent County Council have a number of key consultations underway at present.  It is vital the thoughts and feelings of Kent’s residents are recorded to then be taken into consideration as tough decisions are made about the most appropriate allocation of resources available.

Increasing and complex needs across the county mean demands for our services are growing.  At the same time, the impact of crippling inflationary pressure is having a detrimental effect on how far our budget can stretch.

As we plan our spending for the year ahead, it is crucial that we hear from you about whether we are prioritising resources in the right area, plus your suggestions for how further savings might be made.

The Kent County Council is facing some very challenging options.  Thank you for playing your part in this process by having your say.

Also, find out more about how families with children on free school meals can enjoy free bus travel across the county during the summer holidays.

Thanks to funding provided through the government’s National Bus Strategy and the co-operation of Kent’s local bus operators, eligible families can benefit from the scheme, titled Bus About Kent, between 23 July and 31 August 2023.  Families of up to four can take advantage of the offer, as long as there is at least one adult in the party, and a maximum of two.

To find out more please see the link  , or click on the button below.

Enjoy the beginning of the summer holidays.


Shellina Prendergast

Cabinet Member for Communications and People

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