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Leeds Castle & Hollingbourne Garden Society 2022 Dates

Save the Date! (s)

Leeds Castle and Hollingbourne Garden Society have just announced the 2022 show dates.

The SPRING SHOW with teas is on SATURDAY 9th APRIL ( Please find the schedule attached.)

The SUMMER SHOW on SUNDAY (*NB) JULY 3rd celebrates it being 150 years since the first Hollingbourne Flower Show !! There will be stalls and super cream teas!

The early AUTUMN SHOW with teas will be on SATURDAY 3rd SEPTEMBER

Please support the Spring Show either by entering or by coming along in the afternoon to see what the Village has produced and by having a cup of tea, a piece of cake and a chat.

There is no charge for entering. Prize cards will be awarded for first , second and third placed exhibits in each class.

It would be most helpful (to have an idea of the number of exhibits) to let the Show Secretary Pat Bristow know about your intended entries by Thursday 7th April.

Contact Pat: 01622 880457 or email <

Enjoy the Spring!

The society’s annual subscription remains at £5 and will be collected at the Spring Show on the 9th April.


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