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What does your Council Tax pay for?

A helpful little guide to council tax distribution for Maidstone Borough, using band D as a reference.

A band D yearly bill would be £1988.63, Maidstone borough council accounts for just £270.90 of this, 13.6%.

The total amount is then made up from £159 for the Adult Social Care supplement, £218 for the Police and £80 for the fire authority.

From its share Maidstone Borough Council delivers refuse collection, street sweeping, maintains parks and open spaces, helps to accommodate the homeless and carries out a wide range of other services.

MBC also has a capital programme, worth £108 million over the next five years, which will be used to invest across the borough of Maidstone. Investment plans include new housing, improvements in our parks, and the new Maidstone Innovation Centre based at the Kent Medical Campus – Junction 7 of the M20 to attract new businesses and new jobs to the borough. The capital programme is largely funded by borrowing, but MBC will ensure (as required to do so by law) that the borrowing is affordable and that the schemes in which they invest meet the criteria that the council has set itself.

Council Tax distribution